By: USA Today 1045 users
Live breaking news feeds from USA Today. Features the latest national, business, sport, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, finance and technology news. Edit the gadget settings to view between 3 to 9 Headlines in each Category. Choose Refresh timing also can change the Feed URL and Tab Name...
By: Trey K. and Eric Z. 682 users
Follow major market indexes and render chart. You may also directly retrieve stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance. Yahoo Finace killed their real-time stock quotes so Im currently relying on a Google Doc spread sheet for quotes - which means it is very difficult to customize the stock...
By: RA Informatics 625 users
Daily encouraging words and inspirational quotes to help overcome fear and live a braver, joyful, more spiritual life.
By: dapj 437 users
Traditional Digital Clock with Date, Time, Weekday and Week of Year
By: The Daily Mail 434 users
Live breaking news feeds from The Daily Mail. Features the latest national, business, sport, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, finance and technology news. Edit the gadget settings to view between 3 to 9 Headlines in each Category. Choose Refresh timing also can change the Feed URL and Tab Name...
By: The Guardian 362 users
Live breaking news feeds from The Guardian. Features the latest national, business, sport, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, finance and technology news. Edit the gadget settings to view between 3 to 9 Headlines in each Category. Choose Refresh timing also can change the Feed URL and Tab Name...
By: iGTab 359 users
Gold Price - Real Time Graphs of Gold Prices.Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
By: Farlex 359 users
Matching game designed to test your knowledge of synonym pairs. Play it for fun and to improve your vocabulary. Updated daily.