This program policy applies to gadgets. To help you create the highest-quality gadgets possible while ensuring a positive experience for our users, we’ve created this guidelines for gadgets creation. Your gadgets must adhere to these Do’s and Don’ts before they can appear on portaltab. We reserve the right to disapprove any gadget for any reason.
You may not store any personal information in the gadget. If your gadget enables you (or anyone else) to collect information about users, including but not limited to personally identifying information, you must make publicly available on your website, and abide by, a legally adequate privacy policy.
You may not collect sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers and social security numbers through a gadget.
Advertising (ads, cross-promotion, and sponsorships) is allowed in the canvas view in areas that you control. All advertising must be clearly labeled as an ad or sponsored link.
Advertising is not allowed in any other gadget view (home, default, and any unnamed views). Exceptions include:
Additionally, Ads must never show text or other content intended to mislead the user such as "click here to message your friends" that links to a product or anything other than the indicated content. Cross-promotion of other gadgets is not allowed in the home or other views but is allowed in the canvas view as long as installing the gadget is not tied to unlocking any other functionality in the gadget.
You are free to use any Ad network or place ads by direct arrangement. Developers do not need to share revenue with portaltab.
We will randomly survey users to determine how ads impact user satisfaction. Poor user feedback may impact a gadget's ranking and directory placement.
Violations of our Program Policies can result in the disabling of your gadget, removal of your gadget, being blacklisted from uploading future gadgets and themes, termination of your portaltab accounts and/or deletion of all your gadgets and themes.
These policies may be revised from time to time without notice.